UK-Norway fisheries agreement for 2022

UK-Norway fisheries agreement for 2022

Commenting on the fisheries deal for 2022 between the UK and Norway, both the Shetland Fishermen's Association and the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association attacked its "troubling imbalance" for herring catches.

Ian Gatt, chief executive of the SFPA, said: "We have been granted access to catch 17,000 tonnes of herring in Norwegian waters next year, and in return Norwegian vessels can catch the same amount of herring in our waters.

"But the UK only has 12,000 tonnes of Atlanto-Scandian herring quota, so we start off what is meant to be a new relationship with a troubling imbalance. It doesn't bode well for the future."

SFA executive officer Simon Collins added: "Not only is there an imbalance, but it could get worse as the year progresses because the agreement text allows for an increase in Norwegian access 'should circumstances allow'.

"Reciprocal access must be built on fairness and equity and there is no sign of that here."